Timeout | 16 May 2022
Now that people can finally go out again, why aren’t they? This is the question that venue owners across the city are asking themselves, so to help them answer this conundrum, Time Out in partnership with the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) conducted research to find out why consumer behaviours have changed and what venues can offer their punters to encourage their return.
We need to give more up-and-comers a better chance rather than artists that are becoming bland and have been around for a while.” Michael, from Sydney, said, “A live music scene is like an ecosystem and it depends on years of favourable conditions,” adding, “There are too few small independent venues, I think because of over-regulation and the introduction of pokies onto pubs… I think we need to make live music as easy as possible for artists to play, and punters to get to.” Dennis, aged 24 from regional NSW
Read the full article here.