ALP Announces Minister for the Night Time Economy
Posted 28.11.18 | By Night Time Industries Association
The new ALP Shadow Ministry announced has for the first time a Minister for the Night Time Economy. The Hon. John Graham MLC, a key figure in the NSW Music Inquiry has been appointed by the ALP to the role. This is a big early win for NTIA and we will redouble our efforts to get the NSW Government to follow suit. The full Shadow Ministry is here.
Mr Graham, who also assumes responsibility for Mr Daley’s old portfolio of gaming and racing, as well as tourism, major events and forestry, enters the shadow ministry as a replacement for former Labor leader Luke Foley.
“We are going to have a serious go at saving the NSW music scene,” Mr Graham said.
Mr Graham contacted the NTIA and asked us to pass on the following message.
“I look forward to working with you and your members to restore Sydney as a vibrant night time city and rebuild the jobs and opportunities that come with it,” he said.
Recognition of the Night Time Economy as a ministry is a big step forward in achieving the NTIA’s priority policy agenda of having the importance of the night time recognised by government.
About the NTIA
The objective of the Night Time Industries Association is to promote Sydney as a vibrant and creative city and to build a new, positive narrative for Sydney’s nightlife that includes:
- That Sydney is a fun and inspiring place to live, work and play;
- That Sydney’s nightlife contributes to the cultural value of the city; and
- Nightlife stimulates creativity, which is an important economic driver for NSW.
To achieve this objective the Night Time Industries Association will be active developing positive messaging and media and communications activities.
The Night Time Industries Association consists of: hospitality (bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants); entertainment venues; festivals; retail operators; arts and culture organisations; precincts; and other businesses with an interest in the night time economy.
Media Contact
Clare Maloney
0431 279 785